
What is Discipleship?

Discipleship is the art of learning how to follow Jesus and participate in the work that Jesus is doing today. Discipleship is a process. It is much more than learning stuff, it is learning how to live and actually practicing that life. It is learning how to be like Jesus.

Our Discipleship courses

Our discipleship training program is divided into 4 training courses. The courses travel from basics of knowing God to advanced stuff like serving God. Here is a quick summary of the courses:

COURSE 1: Introduction to Christianity
Session 1: God, Man, Cross & Christ
Session 2: Redemption, Justification, Salvation & Repentance

COURSE 2: The Christian life
Session 1: Living on Grace, Living by faith, Living by the Holy Spirit & Introduction to Sanctification
Session 2: Sanctified by the word, Sanctified through prayers, Sanctified in Fellowship, Sanctified in service

COURSE 3: The Christian worldview
Session 1: The Holy Spirit, The Trinity, Faith, The Sacraments, Life & the afterlife
Session 2: Dating & marriage, In the world but not of the world, Finance, Influence

COURSE 4: School of Ministry
Session 1: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit, The 5-fold ministries, The gift of the Spirit, The fruit of the Spirit.
Session 2: Identifying your call, Ministering to the lost, Ministering to the Saints, Ministering to the Lord

Get Started with discipleship

Do what Jesus Did

Jesus is actively looking to recruit people into His work and mission. As you become like Jesus, you find yourself wanting to do what He did. Are you ready to serve?


Pähkinätie 6 F 01710, Vantaa

Service times: Sundays: 1.00 pm


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